Risk Analysis Index

  • Administration time: 3 minutes
  • Uses self-report or caregiver-report, supplemented by best clinical judgment
  • Predicts operative mortality


  • 1. Age

  • 2. Sex

Social History

3. Does the patient live in a nursing home, skilled nursing facility or another assisted living environment?

Medical History

  • 4. Has the patient ever seen a nephrologist (kidney doctor) or have a history of kidney problems?

  • 5. Does the patient have chronic (long-term) congestive heart failure (CHF)?

  • 6. Does the patient currently have shortness of breath while resting or with minimal activity?

  • 7. In the past 5 years, has the patient been diagnosed with or treated for cancer?

  • The following 3 questions are often difficult for frail patients to answer. By asking the suggested questions or other suitable questions, please make your own assessment regarding the patient's cognitive decline, appetite and weight loss/cachexia.

    8. In the past 3 months, has the patient lost 10 pounds or more without trying?

  • 9. Is the patient's appetite currently poor?

  • 10. During the last 3 months, has it become more difficult for the patient to remember things or organize his/her thoughts?

Activities of daily living

  • 11. Mobility

  • 12. Eating

  • 13. Toileting

  • 14. Personal hygiene

Key references

  • Hall DE, Arya S, Schmid KK, Blaser C, Carlson MA, Bailey TL, Purviance G, Bockman T, Lynch TG, Johanning J. Development and Initial Validation of the Risk Analysis Index for Measuring Frailty in Surgical Populations. JAMA Surg. 2017 Feb 1;152(2):175-182. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2016.4202. PMID: 27893030; PMCID: PMC7140150.
  • Arya S, Varley P, Youk A, Borrebach JD, Perez S, Massarweh NN, Johanning JM, Hall DE. Recalibration and External Validation of the Risk Analysis Index: A Surgical Frailty Assessment Tool. Ann Surg. 2020 Dec;272(6):996-1005. doi: 10.1097/SLA.0000000000003276. PMID: 30907757; PMCID: PMC8785437.

Alternative tools to Risk Analysis Index

Clinical Frailty Scale

Frailty Phenotype